Wednesday, October 31, 2012

to find the good... and avoid the bad

Just because the internet can offer some terrible experiences, as noted in my previous post, there are ways to combat it. Numerous articles discuss how to avoid cyberbullying. Teens are encouraged to remember that millions can view their online information and that they can avoid contact with those who initiate bullying. It is still the same as real-world bullying: Do not let them find more ways to harm you.

Additionally, we are encouraged to be free online, using the idea of open sourcing, but we must be careful how much of ourselves we have available to unknown sources. Basically, be smart about your identity... online and off. do not trust someone simply because they follow you, but use your common sense.

Despite this grim warning and outlook, the internet is fun and exciting, allowing for all kinds of interactions
and learning. People enjoy connecting online, and as Drew Barrymore said in the film, "He's Just Not That into You,"
I had this guy leave me a voicemail at work, so I called him at home. And then he e-mailed me to my BlackBerry, and so I texted to his cell. Then he e-mailed me to my home account and the whole thing just got out of control. . . . And now you have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies. It's exhausting.
We've found a new way to connect through our technology, and although we ought to embrace it, we also must be careful as we march forward each iteration...

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